The Role of Pediatricians in Developmental Screening and Assessment

Developmental Screening and Assessment at Valley Pediatrics

Every Child develops at their own pace, but there are certain developmental markers that we can monitor to be sure your child is making appropriate progress. Some of these markers have a relatively wide range for typical development, for example, the normal age for walking is 8 to 18 months. Others, like smiling have a shorter time window. This is why, monitoring your child’s development is one of the key parts of every checkup. All of Valley Pediatrics’ clinicians have a great deal of experience with developmental screening. If needed we can refer you for further evaluation, and help to advise you on appropriate specialists.

Our Screening Process

Prior to every checkup, you will receive one or more questionnaires via our patient portal. These questionnaires ask about your child’s strengths, weaknesses, motor, language and social skills and emotional state. We also review risk factors for your child, that can make developmental concerns more likely, e.g. prematurity. Don’t worry if your child is not doing ALL of the skills. There are always questions about skills that only a very few kids of that age may have mastered. There is no passing or failing grade. The results of these can help to focus the time during the checkup on your most important concerns. 

We prefer It is best if your child sees the same clinician for all check ups. This helps us to get to know your child better. The better we know your child, the better care we can provide. 

Call Us Today for Your Child's Developmental Screening and Assessment

Please call if you are concerned about your child’s development. The clinicians at Valley Pediatrics will be happy to help.

Developmental Screening and Assessment at Valley Pediatrics

Every Child develops at their own pace, but there are certain developmental markers that we can monitor to be sure your child is making appropriate progress. Some of these markers have a relatively wide range for typical development, for example, the normal age for walking is 8 to 18 months. Others, like smiling have a shorter time window. This is why, monitoring your child’s development is one of the key parts of every checkup. All of Valley Pediatrics’ clinicians have a great deal of experience with developmental screening. If needed we can refer you for further evaluation, and help to advise you on appropriate specialists.

Our Screening Process

Prior to every checkup, you will receive one or more questionnaires via our patient portal. These questionnaires ask about your child’s strengths, weaknesses, motor, language and social skills and emotional state. We also review risk factors for your child, that can make developmental concerns more likely, e.g. prematurity. Don’t worry if your child is not doing ALL of the skills. There are always questions about skills that only a very few kids of that age may have mastered. There is no passing or failing grade. The results of these can help to focus the time during the checkup on your most important concerns. 

We prefer It is best if your child sees the same clinician for all check ups. This helps us to get to know your child better. The better we know your child, the better care we can provide. 

Call Us Today for Your Child's Developmental Screening and Assessment

Please call if you are concerned about your child’s development. The clinicians at Valley Pediatrics will be happy to help.


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Emergencies only. Please call 410-902-7710


Emergencies only. Please call 410-902-7710